RASTECH Magazine

Virtual Event
RAS Virtual Summit 2020
September 16, 2020 at 11:00am ET


RAS Design & Integration Services

No two projects are alike therefore we take an individualized approach in our process.  We first have a discussion session to determine your goals and expected outcome, as well as any challenges that may impact the build.  Then we put our talented engineers to task developing solutions that are right for your unique needs. We are your partner every step of the way.

Technical Training

We offer training to organizations like yours to learn the technical details of aquatic systems and maintenance. Training includes technology applications, product solutions and more. These skills are aquatic specific and we can customize the training to fit your needs.  If you prefer a classroom setting be sure to check out some of our seminars and workshops. Last year we ran a Commercial Aquaponics Workshop in association with Auburn University’s Aquaculture and Fisheries Business Institute.

RAS Equipment & Products

Aquatic Equipment & Design has long term relationships with many RAS equipment industry suppliers. We will be pleased to recommend and install the latest technology into your new RAS operation.

For more information, visit www.aquaticed.com or call 1-407-995-6490.