RASTECH Magazine

Virtual Event
RAS Virtual Summit 2020
September 16, 2020 at 11:00am ET


AquaMaof, a leading provider of RAS-based complete fish-farming solutions, is a unique coming-together of aquaculture veterans and professionals, each competent in a broad array of sub-disciplines of aquaculture. AquaMaof professionals have been providing complete RAS-based solutions worldwide for well over a decade, using experience and knowledge gained in ichthyology, biosecurity, physics, chemistry, biology, process engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, health safety and environmental engineering, civil engineering, and more.

In an AquaMaof system 100% of the recirculated water from the fish tanks is processed through the main filtering complex; Proprietary technology and Oxygen-Dissolving System deliver more oxygen for less energy, with oxygen generated on site. The system recovers waste heat, regulate the oxygen level in each tank, and capableof delivering large quantities of dissolved oxygen during peak demand; Optimized feeding modes and advanced feed management system achieve low Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR); In an AquaMaof system, fish transfer through water in a fish canal – an economical, simple and safe way to move large numbers of fish through the production chain, from stocking to grading to market; Smart selection and allocation of system components result in a robust facility with Minimal maintenance; Implementation of proprietary water-reuse technologies achieve Minimal Liquid Discharge (MLD); the AquaMaof RAS-based solution maintains consistent optimal water conditions.


AquaMaof is currently working on several large-scale RAS-based production facilities with the combined annual capacity of 61K tons in Canada, Japan, Russia, western Europe, US and more.

For more information, visit our website: AquaMaof