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AquaMaof bags its first RAS project in Sweden

November 1, 2021  By  Nestor Arellano

(Photo by AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Ltd.)

AquaMaof has just signed a contract to build a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility for Swedish land-based salmon producer Smøgenlax Aquaculture.

The facility will be built in the circular economy industrial park in Kungshamn/Smögen, in the Municipality of Sotenä, located in the western coast of Sweden.

“This is AquaMaof’s first project in Sweden, and we look forward to working with Smøgenlax to provide the Swedish population with high-quality salmon, grown close to market, in a natural environment, without the use of antibiotics,” Yoav Dagan, vice-president of business development at AquaMaof said in a press release.

Circular economy is a concept that focuses on minimizing waste and optimizing all resources in the development of products. In aquaculture, the concept includes the use of techniques such as aquaponics and utilization of residual products to cut waste, save energy and lower environmental impacts.

Phase one of the plan calls for an initial; production capacity of 2,000 tons of salmon annually. Production capacity will be increased to 6,000 tons in the second phase of the plan, according to a press release from AquaMaof.

Smøgenlax Aquaculture specializes in sustainable, land-based production of salmon.

“Sustainability and circularity are key words in the development of Smögenlax RAS and the industrial collaboration as a whole,” said Joel Oresten, Chairman of the Board of Smøgenlax,” Joel Oresten, chairman of the board of Smøgenlax, said in a press release. “…The establishment of a RAS facility for growing salmon using AquaMaof’s technology is part of the company’s vision to establish a plant for the production of sustainable products, while using the waste created to produce energy, plant power and feed.”

Last month, Smøgenlax Aquaculture issued a call for biologists for the RAS salmon farm it is planning in Kungshamn. Smögenlax and its subsidiary water purifying company Renahav is working with the University of Gothenburg on developing a research and development facility for salmon farming in the area.

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