RASTECH Magazine

AKVA group breaks ground on RAS facility near Shanghai

October 27, 2023  By  Seyitan Moritiwon

Photo: NOAP.

AKVA group is building RAS facilities to meet Nordic Aqua Partners’ (NOAP) goal of achieving 20,000 tons of production near Shanghai.

The company says the delivery of a 4,000-ton live salmon capacity for the first phase will be completed by the end of 2023, and an additional 4,000 tons for the second phase has begun. According to AKVA’s website, “The first salmon reached around one kg this summer of 2023, which means that NOAP is on time for the first harvest of five kg salmon in Q1 2024.”

A land-based salmon farm in Ningbo, near Shanghai, will reduce CO2 emissions that come from importing salmon and the additional costs of long-distance transport and special packaging. The project will also benefit from a 400 GWh solar and wind power plant near the farming site, and solar panels on the roof to cover approximately 25 per cent of the energy consumption. 

“Farming of salmon close to the market, and based on green energy, is an attractive combination both for consumers and investors,” says Johan Fredrik Gjesdal, COO of AKVA group Land Based.

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