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Nofima releases highlights of eight years of RAS research

November 6, 2023  By  Nestor Arellano

Single-RAS units at Nofima at Sunndalsøra. (Image: Terje Aamodt/Nofima)

The impact of 24 hours of light on post-smolt performance, the effects of winter timing recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), and carbon dioxide limits for Atlantic salmon. These and many more form part of the information released by the Norwegian Food Research Institute (Nofima) as the results of its eight-year research in salmon production are RAS and closed-system environments.

From 2015 to 2023, Nofima hosted the Centre for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) in Closed-Containment Aquaculture – CtrlAQUA. CtrlAQUA has created 42 fact sheets, with highlights and recommendations from the centre.

“The main goal of CtrlAQUA was to develop technological and biological innovations that will make closed systems a reliable and economically viable technology,” according to Nofima. “Now you can create practical values from the innovations from the centre.”

For instance, the centre’s research from 2016 to 2018 into post-smolt performance demonstrated that 24 hours of light had a positive effect on growth in RAS. The study also showed that a prolonged land phase in RAS and transfer at a larger size will improve seawater performance of Atlantic salmon

Research on carbon dioxide limits also found it would be best to avoid water CO2 concentrations >12 mg/L in RAS as it might affect further growth in the sea phase.

While the fact sheets provide quick insights into the research highlight, Nofima offers some cautions.

“But beware, we are presenting highlights and recommendations without much information on the premises behind the research,” according to the research institute. “We therefore encourage you to seek more and deeper information if you find the content interesting and want to implement the research in your production.”

Click here to find the recomendations from CtrlAQUA.

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