RASTECH Magazine

Monterey Bay program gives green light to salmon recirc farms

December 3, 2014  By Norman McCowan

Three re-circ farms

Atlantic salmon raised in three separate closed water-recirculating fish farms have been awarded the top sustainability rating by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch consumer watchdog program.

         The program, known for its single-minded promotion of land-based recirc systems, assessed three facilities: the ’Namgis First Nation’s Kuterra project in British Columbia, Canada; The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA; and Atlantic Sapphire in Denmark.

         Each was granted the top, “green light” rating on the program’s “traffic light” system. Seafood Watch claims that these three farms each “greatly reduced” the risk of environmental impact making the Atlantic salmon grown in them a “Best Choice” for consumers.


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