RASTECH Magazine

Features Opinion
From the editor: Next in RAS

February 6, 2023  By  Jean Ko Din

(Photo: InfiniteSea)

It continues to be my pleasure to watch how this industry evolves into more parts of the world. I write this editorial in January and the year 2023 is still very much ahead of me. 

The recirculating aquaculture industry, and the aquaculture industry at large, has had a difficult few years. Though I can’t say that the worst is behind us, I’m optimistic that there is much more to look forward to. 

For example, our flagship event, RASTECH 2023 (April 20-21), is just visible on the horizon and I’m looking forward to the conversations that will take place in Orlando, Flo. for those few days. 

I worked hard to pull together some of the most relevant and influential voices in all sectors of RAS. I want this event to offer the best of what this industry has to offer in research, in innovation, in business strategy and in experience. 

And I hope I can do the same for the pages of this publication. 

In this issue, I’d like to introduce our new editorial advisory board. Each of the five members of this board have been selected for their professional expertise and their shared goal of elevating the RAS industry in a collaborative spirt. For two years, they will serve as a trusted focus group of experts whom I can turn to for feedback and guidance. 

It gives me, as editor, an enhanced assurance that the content that I curate for this publication continues to serve information that is relevant to RAS professionals. But at the same time, each of these members’ professional affiliations do not earn them any exception to the journalistic integrity and accountability of this publication. 

My first responsibility will always be to deliver responsible and transparent information to you, the readers.  

In this issue, we feature different voices from the industry, raising issues and sharing concerns, uncovering inspiration to solve and innovate, and a hopeful way to start out the new year. 

Our cover story features InfiniteSEA CEO,  Andreas Mäck, sharing his ambitions for carbon neutral RAS. 

As Colin Ley writes, the surge in energy costs, which put RAS systems around the globe under intense economic pressure in 2022, “has been met with a strong response by the management team behind InfiniteSea, claimed to be the world’s first large-scale urban marine fish farm.” 

In addition, this issue features Wanhe Qi, PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark, investigating results of a new study which shows “a robust method with oxygen sensor to estimate the biofilter performance in freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems.” 

And I had the honour of sitting down with Dianna Fletcher on RAS Talk, who shares Kingfish Maine’s experience of gaining social license in the town of Jonesport.

And just because you are not named as part of the core advisory board, does not mean you and your fellow readers have less opportunity to provide feedback and guidance to me and to the magazine. In every issue, I make a point to say that my inbox is always open for your ideas at jkodin@annexbusinessmedia.com.   

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