RASTECH Magazine

From the editor: An ever-evolving industry

July 27, 2021  By Catarina Muia

(Photo by AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Ltd.)

Hello all, my name is Catarina Muia and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the new editor of RAStech magazine. I’m even more excited to become part of this growing community dedicated to the knowledge transfer, technology, innovation, discoveries, sustainability, and success of the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) industry, and its related sectors.

In my first week of starting this new role, I had the opportunity to attend our very own RAS Connector Series, held on June 9. As I sat-in on the discussion panels, I was impressed by the number of professionals that were not only in attendance, but were committed to offering their knowledge and expertise to drive forward such an important industry.

In a world where it feels like we’re constantly surrounded by complicated global situations, the RAS sector, dedicated to providing eco-friendly and sustainable solutions to rejuvenate and protect ocean life, is quickly gaining more and more attention. 

The virtual event opening keynote speaker, Maggie Fried, head of the Oceans, Seafood and Aquaculture Investor Consortium (OSAIC) at CREO Syndicate, delved into the number of ways the RAS industry can be part of the solution to many challenges today, including global crises such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. (To read more of Fried’s comments, visit the Event Highlights article found on page 10.)

Investors from around the world have taken notice of this, which is why the aquaculture industry in general is undergoing many new strategies, changes, and projects, as well as new solutions and products are being introduced to the market constantly, across the globe. 

For example, this month’s cover story by Liza Mayer highlights how the Bakke brothers, founders of Smart Salmon in Norway, partnered with AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Inc. to introduce a new strategy to increase capacities and deliver big post-smolts. Read the full article on page 18.

In Finland, LIVIA College of Fisheries and Environment’s 20-year-old RAS facility underwent a major renovation project to replicate a modern learning environment with the equipment students would likely encounter in today’s leading RAS companies.

 With the industry in need of specialized RAS personnel, the updated facility will allow students to gain the knowledge and expertise in managing an entire recirculating aquaculture system. Be sure to read the full article on page 14.

It’s an exciting time for RAS sector, and I’m eager to learn about the industry’s newest and most innovative projects, products, and ventures, through connecting with you, the professionals!

Is there a topic you would like to learn more about, or would like to teach your community about? Feel free to send me an email at cmuia@annexbusinessmedia.com, I would love to hear your feedback and get to know the members of our community. I’m looking forward to meeting and learning from each of you.

With that, I leave you to read, learn, and enjoy this issue of RAStech magazine. 

Happy reading. 

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