RASTECH Magazine

News Management post-smolt
RAS company Mowi Scotland plans smolt facilty

March 23, 2021  By  Nestor Arellano

(Image from: Mowi Scotland)

Mowi Scotland has revealed plans to build a post-smolt site adjacent to its feed mill in Kyleakin, in Isle of Skye, in the northwest coast of Scotland. The Scottish arm of the Norwegian seafood company already has two recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facilities as well as a flow-through hatchery and 47 sea-based sites.

Talks with Scottish authorities to gain approval for the planned 3,000-metric-ton facility are now underway, according to Ben Hadfield, chief operating officer for Mowi’s farming operations in Scotland, Ireland, and the Faroes.

The new site will enable Mowi Scotland to boost its harvest volumes, said Ivan Vindheim, cheif executive officer of Mowi,  during Mowi’s Capital Markets Day 2021 presentation to investors.

The Kyleakin feed mill is untapped and Mowi “will continue to streamline its operations to minimise costs,” said Vindheim.

Hadfield said Mowi Scotland aims to produce post-smolt stocking weight of up to 800 grams.

“We have enough smolts to grow organically going forward, but we would like them to be at a much higher average weight to reduce the time in the sea,” Hadfield said. He said his company wants to be able to farm and harvest fish within 12 months.


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