RASTECH Magazine

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Norway’s RASLab offers aquaculture trials facility, courses

August 22, 2020  By  Nestor Arellano

A high-tech facility located in Bergen, Norway has recently opened to provide trials and research facilities for aquaculture technology designers, recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technicians, fish producers, feed manufacturers, and industry researchers.

The Marineholmen RASLab AS  is part of the Ocean Innovation Catapult which earlier this year received US$ 3.6 million from the Norwegian government to further RAS technology and testing. The laboratory also partnered with animal nutrition company, Alltech Norway to deliver courses in RAS technology.

RASLab AS is owned by a consortium of the University of Bergen, ILAB (Stiftelsen Industrialaboriet), NORCE and Marineholmen Forskningspark.

“At Marineholmen RASLab we have a wide range of international expertise in aquaculture as well as the specialized technology that is RAS,” according to the research facility’s website. “Using our extensive networks and knowledge we can offer advice and consultation on a wide range of issues in aquaculture including RAS, marine and freshwater aquaculture of diverse species, fish health management, and much more.”

RASLab has 12 separate RAS systems, each equipped with its own biofilter.

The facility also has a 1,000-litre tank which can be used for trials on fish up to about 500g in weight.

The systems can operate at temperatures 6°C and 30°C, using either fresh or saltwater.

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